Tag Archives: Life Insurance Canada

Pilots and Life Insurance

Posted on: May 9th, 2013 by Peter Choma

Pilots and Life Insurance

For the most part it is a good idea for everyone to have some form of life insurance coverage. There are so many people that do not have the life insurance coverage that they need. Many of these individuals find out that the hard way that having coverage is important. It truly is the difference from being able to leave something behind to loved ones or leaving loved ones with a mountain of debt and worry. Pilots and Life Insurance provides the opportunity to have a unique discussion continued below.

Most Pilots that really feel they need to have the security that life insurance offers. They take the time themselves to identify the companies that are willing to provide the service.

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Taxation of Life Insurance

Posted on: February 7th, 2013 by Peter Choma

How is Life Insurance Taxed?

Life insurance can be divided into two types: term and permanent. Term insurance has no investment component and pays out a tax-free death benefit. Generally universal life or whole-life is designed to last throughout your life time. It often has an investment component allowing you to build up cash values inside the policy in a tax-sheltered manner.

The laws regarding the taxation of life insurance in Canada are anything but straight forward and can be a complex topic; the best possible advice will come from a tax professional that can assess your own individual circumstances. The subject of taxes and life insurance are basically broken down into two main areas; the payments that are made at death,

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